The Sprinter
There was once a young lady who aspired to be an Olympic sprinter like her late father.
She was naturally talented and had a promising future in the sport.
Everyday she would train as hard as she could and when she got home she would greet her disabled mother and rest.
Her mother was very spiritual and would encourage her to meditate with her.
She occasionally tried it in order to please her mother,but she was more interested in the physical aspects of her training; and instead of focusing on her breathing as suggested by her mother; she would visualise winning the olympics and breaking her fathers world record.
Her mother would notice her tense style of meditation, but they would laugh about it together and as a joke her mother would aggressively breath out when they meditated together.
Suggesting that she was doing what she could to help her attain her dream.
A couple of years past and unfortunately so did her mother.
But in her last days she assured her daughter that she will always be behind her, helping her achieve her dreams.
After years of intense training she made it to the Olympic 100m finals, and this was her opportunity to fulfil her dreams.
The build up was tense, but with the sound of the starting pistol she took off rapidly and her strides were effortless.
She was so focused she barely noticed how far ahead of the other runners she was, but as she did; she also felt the tailwind pushing her from behind.
Not only did she cross the finish line first, but smashed her fathers record.
On the top of the podium she calmly meditated reflecting on the support she received to achieve her dream.