The Mountain

My father is a King!

So me, I was born on top of the mountain in his kingdom. Looking down on others who were in the valley.

Sometimes I would see my friends down there and want to be with them instead. I would often go to the edge of the mountain, being so high up and aware of my royal status i convinced myself that I could fly.

So one day in my arrogance I stepped of the edge, it was only on the way down that I realised I had no wings.

I fell hard!

At the base I tended to my wounds, using my friends as comfort. But this comfort felt nothing like what I had on top of the mountain, however it was what was on offer at the base.

I noticed that the people of the base were content with this comfort unaware of what existed on the top of the mountain.

I tried to convince people but they would not listen. I had to show them!

So I started my climb.

My fake friends ridiculed me, however my real friends watched.

On the climb up I avoided the patches of quick sand, I listened to stories my father would tell of his climb and how he fell in many times.

He taught me how to avoid them!

After progressing past the quick sand now the path was obstructed by walls, I climbed over these through grit and determination.

One night as I rested on the path enjoying the scenery, reflecting on how far I have come from the base, i stumbled upon some wings, which I graciously started to use.

Interesting tools where these wings, as they didn’t allow me to effortlessly fly straight over these walls.

Which were now increasing in size.

But they now allowed me to make a massive jump over the wall; with a flap of the wings cushioning my fall on the other side.

As the walls got bigger along the path up the mountain, I learned to jump higher and higher, until once again I returned to the top of the mountain.

At the top I looked down to see how far I have come, that’s when I noticed my real friends who watched my journey and was inspired to start theirs.

Had fallen into the quick sand.

I quickly jumped down from the top to save them, however this time my wings allowed me the land majestically beside them reaching out a hand and pulling them out.

This deed encouraged them to carry on with the journey, after listening to some wisdom i imparted on them about the journey up.

Confident they could now avoid the quick sand and warning them of the walls I once again made my way back up to the top.

Completing the journey again came with unexpected satisfaction, I had accomplished my goal, again! While helping my friends, and noticed I was getting really good at jumping these walls.

This time at the top I was curious to see how my friends were doing so I glanced down and noticed that some of them where so eager to follow me up, that they were tirelessly sprinting up the mountain and climbing each wall. Not noticing the wings that where on offer to them on the way.

Once again i jumped down, informed them and made my way up again.

This time, at the top again I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and build a kingdom on top of the mountain.

With my friends on their way up to join me, this was a great idea! But where to find the materials?

In contemplation I remembered something my father would always say.

“Proud men don’t like to look up and it’s when you get rid of your pride, the answer will be supplied.”

So I dropped my pride and looked up!

Noticing the materials I needed, in the beautiful clouds above.

So to get the materials I jumped, I jumped so high above the clouds.

Gathering the materials I needed to build the kingdom and noticing the higher I jumped the better the materials.

As I was doing this some of my friends reached the top too, noticed what I was doing and started to help.

Soon more and more made it to the top and also contributed to the pile of materials we would then use to build our kingdom’s.