Rhythmic beat being played on pots and pans.

Close up on Micheal, a drummer with paint on fingers holding handmade drumsticks made from sticks. Playing to his little sister Gab thats dancing.

Hears shouting. Gab stops dancing, Mike doesn’t notice; lost in the music. Gab stops him and tells him it’s time for church (noticeably disappointed). They leave the woods. He asks if she likes church.

“Yeh! Do you?”

“Sometimes, but mum gets even more strict when she’s around her church friends.”

Mum inaudibly shouts from approaching home. Gab starts to run, he jogs behind but remembers something. Turns back to get tie dye socks from clothes line. Camera focuses on coloured water he used to make it.

All his siblings lined up together in age order with 5 older siblings next to him and Gab (youngest to oldest (front) dressed in smart black and white clothes) ((behind) oldest to youngest shows Mike with drumsticks in back pocket and tie dye socks). Mum comes to inspect them, oldest to youngest she gets to Mike and looks at his socks and shouts at him to change them. Upset she  walks away. The oldest brother grabs drumsticks and snaps them. Mike complains to mum but she shouts to hurry and change.

At church singing hymns. Gab dancing, Mike tapping feet and playing air drums. Old lady looks at them and scoffs. Mum notices and reprimands them.

Years later, Mike with suitcase leaving home shares intense stare with oldest brother. Leaving, mum tries to stop him. Tells him she’ll allow him to join the choir! Can I wear whatever I want?…. Silence with uncertain look. So he continues to leave. Sees Gab crying outside he consoles her and gives her tie dye socks, she smiles and hugs him. Mike leaves.

Busy town centre, busy market. Music playing. Crowd gathered around Mike busking. He notices a beautiful girl dancing in the crowd his friend Gabby. Crowd applauds and disperses. Gabby steps forward and tips him.

“Did I ever tell you about my little sister who danced like you?”

“I like her already, was she as smart as me?”

“No one’s as smart as you. Where you going? Come with me to the lake.”

“I’m going to the library”

She invites him but he’s more interested in her than the stuff she tries to teach him. He asks about music, she tells him about vibrations creating patterns in nature and something called a resonance experiment.

“That’s a little weird”

“But massively complicated”

After studying he convinces her to come with him to the lake.

(She teaches him weird but complicated stuff about life (life’s a little weird but massively complicated) he just wants to have fun (thinks life’s simple))

He falls in love with her, she loves knowledge.

He gets sick (problem with heart) she tries to save him with research. He just wants to spend the rest of his time with her.

He surprises her with a resonance experiment that makes love heart. She visibly falls in love with him

Busking, heart beating loudly. Gets best reaction from crowd. Clutches heart (stops beating) and dies suddenly in-front of crowd.

Wakes up in the hospital finds out Gabby gave him her heart and she died instead. He is upset at the doctor but the doctor tells him he owed her, as her research had saved so many lives in this hospital; even his family so he had to.

Traumatised, depressed and lonely life isn’t the same without her.

He climbs to the top of the dam. Looks to jump off. Prays, thanks GOD.

GOD appears to him, but he’s very sceptical. Vents to GOD.

GOD tells him his number of heartbeats ran out as he accomplished his purpose.

“That last performance was great but it was that my purpose?”

“Not exactly, your purpose was to teach my daughter to love something more than knowledge!”

“That last performance was just a little extra, a gift to you for doing such a great job!”

“Your daughter! Gabby was an angel!”

He says with a smile.

“So you believe she was an angel but not that I’m GOD!”

“Yeh that much was obvious!”

“Her decision to give you her heart saved your life but ended hers.”

“She decided her purpose was to know everything, so i gave her an unlimited amount of beats, now you have her heart so use it wisely.”

Looks for little sis Gab but she left home too and can’t find her.

Adopts Gabby’s purpose to know everything and pursue this for centuries ( ends slavery, helps build Eiffel Tower, makes computers).

Speaks to aspiring musician, and shows him electronic sounds instead of instruments.

“Instruments in a box that’s weird how did you do it?”

“Life’s a little weird but massively complicated”.

Serious research led to a lonely and not very fun existence.

At music festival stetting up equipment.

Sees girl resembling his lost love Gabby and she has the personality and spirit of him in his youth.

Introduces himself, she’s called Gabriella. He impresses her with his knowledge.

They fall in love. He tries to impress her with facts but she just wants to have fun. He shows her how to create a rainbow.

She’s impressed

“thats weird how does it work?”

“Life’s a little weird but massively complicated”.

He forgets about his research and decides to spend their time in love and having fun with her (he tells her everything). They get married and he makes her rainbow coloured ring.

She gets sick, family history of heart problems. He plans to give her his heart but she says she doesn’t want it because it would mean living without him.

He figures out a plan to share hearts half and half.

“That concepts sounds really weird and complicated can it even be done?”

“That’s life and it’s my purpose to figure it out.”

But he struggles to find the solution.

She’s upset at him still spending his time on research instead of with her.

He goes to the top of the dam and asks GOD for help.

He tells GOD his plan to share his time with her.

GOD tells him if he figures out how to spend the rest of his time with her then he would have accomplished his purpose of figuring out everything.

“Is it even possible?”

“It’s your purpose of course it is! And you already have all the answers you need.”

He starts to look at all knowledge from a perspective of love. Then life from the perspective of love and figures it out!

We can share hearts if we share purpose, to love each other forever. Then we’ll never be apart.

Goes to the top of the dam and tells GOD he’s figured it out. (Heart beating loudly).

“You know everything?”

“I know love, and love is everything.”

Heart stops, clutches heart.

“Am I dead?”

“Technically, but come on you’ve got other stuff to do now”

“No, I can’t leave, I can’t lose love again!”

“Lose love! Haha! Why would I have you figure out this whole thing is about love and then ask you to leave it. No, you’re gunna need it where you’re going.”

Points to approaching angelic figure. Turns out to be Gabby. Touching reunion and she asks him to come with her. He tells her about his new love Gabriella and that he can’t leave her.

She smiles and lets him know it was her. She shows him the rainbow ring and tie dye socks.

“Come on children it’s time to go”

“But if we’re all related isn’t that a little weird”

“ YES! A little weird, but massively complicated”

No Love Lost