4 Friends
There was once 4 poor best friends who worked together to complete a mission for God.
As a reward God told them they could wish for anything they wanted.
The 4 friends pondered this difficult decision, till 1 of them stepped up and said. “I would like unlimited money!”
God replied, “if this is what you wish for then I shall grant it. “
The other friends were stunned by their friends audacity to ask God for such a request, but it didn’t seem to displease God so 2 others quickly followed and said, “me too! I would also like unlimited money”.
God agreed and granted them their wish, however the 1st friend resented his 2 best friends for choosing the same wish as him and was now adamant he would think of the best thing to buy with his money. This created friction between the friends, as the other 2 thought the same.
The final friend of the group saw the tension between his best friends and told God that he didn’t want that for himself and asked God, what do you think I should wish for?
God then asked him, what he values the most.
The man replied, “the love of my friends.”
So God said, “if that is what you value you should wish for unlimited knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
The man accepted the wish from God and began meditating under a big tree. His friends saw this and wasn’t threatened by his wish; they were still busy thinking of the perfect thing to buy in order to out do the friends they were threatened by.
While this man was meditating his 1st friend came to him and said, “oh old friend! I cannot seem to think of the perfect thing to buy that will be better than what the others will buy, in your infinite wisdom can you help me decide?”
The wise friend said “yes! I will help you my friend, however if you wish to buy the perfect thing you should worry less about competing with our fellow friends and think about what you really value the most.
So the friend thought about it and decided he valued his big family and wish to live with them all in a big beautiful house, not only here but all over the world. The wise friend said if this is what you value, then it’s this you must spend your money on; I will teach you how to build the biggest and most beautiful houses and you should use your money to source the materials and pay the labour force to build them.
The friend so happy with his friends suggestion, that he told his wise friend that you too are now a part of my big family and you are free to use any of my houses whenever you wish.
The wise man expressed his gratitude to his friend and continued to meditate as his friend eagerly went of to start spending his money.
As the wise friend was meditating under the tree the 2nd of his friends visited him with a similar request, wanting to find something to buy that was better than his other friends.
So the wise friend gave him the same advice, not to worry about competing with their friends; however he should think on what he values. So the friend thought and said well I value my time. Okay if this is what you value then this is what you should spend your money on, said the wise friend. I will draw up a plan to build the smoothest roads connecting all the places you frequent and you should also purchase the fastest transportations. His friend was delighted with this idea and expressed his gratitude by offering his wise friend access to the roads he will build and all his transportation, the wise friend thanked him for this offer and carried on his meditation.
Now as the wise friend was meditating his third friend approached him and without his friend even explaining his problem he knew what he was here for and gave him the same advice as the others.
The friend then said well I value my health I would like to look after and strengthen my body. So the wise friend told him to build a gym and plant a massive garden with fruits and vegetables, these will be essential to you keeping healthy.
His friend loved the idea and began to put the plan together but not before thanking his old friend and offering him permission to use and eat from his garden.
The wise friend went back to meditation now elated with his work helping his friends, which only increased the love they had for him.
So… Out of the friends, who made the best wish?
Who’s the richest?