2 Brothers

There was once two brothers, twins in fact.

But these brothers were the polar opposites of each other.

One was an over achiever, naturally talented and hard working. He excelled at everything he did.

The other brother was full of potential, but careless and lackadaisical.

The brothers were close and the former loved his brother unconditionally, always trying to encourage him to fulfill his potential; however his brother was stubborn and would ignore any suggestions.

One day the successful brother found a girlfriend, she was the mirror of his positive attributes.

Their relationship was perfect! And she too he loved unconditionally.

To the annoyance of his brother, who grew jealous and bitter.

This affected their relationship, but his brothers love for him did not diminish; still doing all he could for him to get him to better himself.

But instead of bettering himself, his brother plotted to steal his girlfriend.

However when he inappropriately approached her, she quickly shot him down and was dumbfounded by his gall.

She told her boyfriend but he never mentioned it to his brother and it didn’t seem to affect the love he still regularly expressed to his brother.

However his brother felt guilty and started to avoid his brother.

However one day his brothers girlfriend was surprisingly pleasant to him, he saw this as an opportunity and approached her with an uncharacteristic charm he had learned from his brother.

She entertained him and the two became close, however she would sternly correct any behaviour she disapproved of and the condition to their relationship was that he would follow her instructions when told.

He did this and his character changed drastically.

Now he fulfilled his potential and also became a successful over achiever.

The two eventually became a couple.

And they all lived happily ever after.